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Your Warranty

“For in Him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said,
“We are His offspring””

Acts 17:28

Any operating manual for an electronic device describes the
manufacturer’s warranty and the limitations to that warranty. The
manufacturer’s warranty guarantees that you can return the product
to the manufacturer for repair or replacement if the product fails during
the specified warranty period. If, however, you violate the warranty
limitations, the company is no longer responsible for the
equipment. You are. These limitations refer primarily to the operation,
environment, and maintenance of the equipment.
God’s warranty includes a clause of grace. He’ll take you in your
wrecked state and throw out satan’s parts. Though it may take years,
God will continue to work on your memory banks until your mind is
cleaned and your life is transformed. Thank God for His grace. He
will pay for all the costs to fix you so long as you go to the right
dealer. But you can’t expect God to fix you if you are going to satan
for repair.
The last thing the electronics company tells you in the operating
instructions is to retain the manual for future reference. In other
words, don’t throw away your Bibles. You need God’s manual to
answer the operational questions you will meet in your daily life. You
can function three thousand percent better than you are now functioning,
so don’t get rid of God’s manual. The Bible contains the
answers for a fulfilling, productive life.
The omnipotent God is your Source/Creator. His instruction
manual details the requirements, guidelines, and warnings upon
which your very life depends. God’s life isn’t dependent on you. He’s
alive without you. But your life is dependent on Him. You need Him
to find true life. A relationship with God through Jesus Christ, His
Son, is the gateway to a full and rich life. He is the foundational key
to understanding and releasing your potential. Knowing Him and
His intent for your life is the basis for an effective life.

You can’t
expect God to
fix you if you are
going to satan for