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Your Source/Creator Determines Why You Exist

“To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability”

Matthew 25:15a

You will never know your purpose unless you figure out why
God created you. Only God knows your purpose, because He determined
it when He gave you life.
The direction you need to live a satisfying and rewarding life
cannot be found in your family, your teachers, your employer, your
pastor, or your coworkers. They are creatures even as you are. The
only way you can discover your purpose is through a relationship
with the One who made you. God’s original desires for you shape
your potential because He designed you with care to meet the
demands He wants to make on you. The release of your total potential
requires that you continually seek God as you try to understand
what He had in mind when He laid out His plans for your life.
Jesus tells the story of a man who was going on a journey.
Before he left home, the master called his servants to him and gave
each of them a portion of his resources. When he returned, he asked
each servant to give an accounting of what they had received.
Although the master didn’t expect each servant to have equal
resources when he returned, he did expect that they would have used
and increased the property he had entrusted to them (see Matthew
God has determined the resources you need to live a happy, productive
life, because He is the only One who knows what you need to
meet the demands He will place upon you. If you are constantly comparing
your resources with those of other people, you will be blinded
both to the richness of what God has entrusted to you and the tasks
He wants you to accomplish using what you have. The release of your
full potential demands that you examine your life carefully so you
can identify both the many assets God has given you and the purpose
for which He gave them. God will not entrust you with more
resources until you use wisely what He’s already given you.

God will not
entrust you
with more resources
until you use wisely
what He’s already
given you.