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Your Source/Creator Determines What You Can Do

“Jesus gave them this answer: “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he
can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son
also does “

John 5:19

What you can do is related to where you came from. God is serious
when He says, “Without Me you can do nothing.” It’s not a matter
of being spiritual, it just plain business sense. He created and
made you. You came from Him. Therefore, the quality of your abilities
is defined by God’s abilities. If you want to know what you can
do, find out what God can do.
God, who is omnipotent, created you to share His potential.
When He took you out of Himself, He automatically gave you the
ability to be creative and imaginative. You share God’s potential to
plan, design, and bring dreams into reality. God is full of more projects,
ambitions, and proposals than you can imagine. He’s the God
of the impossible. But He has tied the revelation of His potential to
your dreams, aspirations, and prayers. That’s why God is constantly
challenging you to ask Him for the impossible. The possible is no
fun for God. He’s already done that. It’s the ideas, plans, and objectives
the world hasn’t seen yet that God wants to do.
You are the key to God’s creative expression. You can do anything
God demands of you because your Creator will never demand
more of you than He’s already built into you. God’s saying to you,
“Go ahead. Imagine anything you want. There’s nothing you can
imagine that I don’t already have. I need your imagination to demand
it. Your potential is related to My potential, and I am omnipotent.”
God designed you to operate like He does. Faith is going into the
realm where you demand out of God what’s in Him that no one has
seen yet. Are you in a situation that completely baffles you so that
you don’t know where to turn? You are the perfect candidate through
which God can reveal His glory.
God gets the glory when you make demands on Him. If you want
to glorify God, make Him do things He hasn’t done yet. Go out on a

limb and stretch your faith.
That’s how He created you to
function. Without faith you cannot
please God (see Hebrews
11:6). He demands you to perform
the way He does, and He
operates by faith.

God has tied the
revelation of
His potential to your
dreams, aspirations,
and prayers.