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Will Your Abilities Be Lost to the World?

“May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands”

Psalm 90:17

You possess awesome potential within waiting to be activated
and released. The release of your potential demands that you refuse
to be satisfied with your latest accomplishment. Only then will you
tap into the vast bill of credit with which you were born. Because
potential, by definition, is the large, unknown bank of resources you
were given at birth, what you have accomplished is no longer your
potential. Releasing your potential requires a willingness to move
beyond the familiar into the realm of possibilities.
If you attempt new things and make choices that stretch your
horizons, you will embark on an exciting journey. You will begin to
see the marvelous being God created you to be—a being filled with
more capabilities than you ever dreamed possible. The journey
begins when you gain an understanding of what potential is and how
you can release it. For once you understand the magnitude of the
wealth God gave you, to turn from consciously and conscientiously
unwrapping God’s gift is to abort your potential and refuse to fulfill
the purpose for which He gave you life. The knowledge of what you
have failed to use to benefit yourself, your contemporaries, and the
generations to follow will judge you on the great day of accountability.
Potential is given to be released, not wasted.
Some men have thousands of reasons why they cannot do what
they want to, when all they need is one reason why they can.

The release of your potential demands that you refuse to be satisfied with your latest accomplishment.