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Purpose and Potential

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”

Matthew 6:21

It is a fact that every manufacturer makes a product to fulfill a
specific purpose, and every product is designed with the ability to
fulfill this purpose. In essence, the potential of a product is determined
by its purpose. This is true of everything God created, including
you. The purpose of a seed is to reproduce trees. Therefore, by
God’s design, they possess the ability or potential to fulfill this purpose.
But just because a seed has the potential to produce a forest,
does not mean it will. One of the greatest tragedies in nature is the
destruction of a seed or the isolation of a seed from the soil.
Consequently, the death of a seed is the burial of a forest. Having
ability is good, but keeping ability is bad.
Your life has the potential to fulfill your purpose. If, however,
you imprison that potential, you rob your life of its purpose and fulfillment.
You and every other individual on this planet possess an
awesome treasure. Too much of this treasure is buried every day,
untapped and untouched, in the cemeteries of our world. Much talent,
skill and creativity have been lost to the world for want of a little
courage. Many obscure men and women enter eternity pregnant
with potential, with a still-born purpose. Living with ability brings
responsibility. Dying with ability reveals irresponsibility.

You and every individual on this planet possess an awesome treasure