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Muslim man had NEVER heard that Jesus died for his sins!

A conversation between a Christian and a Muslim discussing the concept of grace, Jesus as the Son of God, and the need for his sacrifice for salvation.

  • πŸ’‘ The Christian explains John 3:16, emphasizing that Jesus is the way to everlasting life through knowing God the Father and Jesus Christ.
  • πŸ’¬ They discuss John 17, where Jesus claims authority over all and desires to be glorified alongside God the Father.
  • πŸ“– Reference is made to Romans 6, explaining that sin leads to death, but grace through Jesus leads to righteousness and eternal life.
  • πŸ•Œ The Muslim expresses surprise at hearing for the first time about Jesus dying for humanity, prompting a discussion on the need for sacrifice for forgiveness.
  • 🌟 The conversation ends with the Christian encouraging the Muslim to read the Gospel of John to understand further.